Saturday, December 23 was our scheduled pool event but due to a number of people deciding that they would not attend as planned we asked the city to cancel that date and they did so. As a result, Tuesday the 19th was our final session of 2023. Our next pool session will be March 5, 2024. Hope to see many of you there!

Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas. Happy Holidays and all the best for the New Year!!!


Our Tuesday swim schedule has been changed. The city had planned on closing the pool on Tuesday, December 19 but have now changed this.


However, the scheduled closure will now occur on December 30.

We will have access on the 19th and the 23 of December. The pool will then be closed until Tuesday, March 5, 2024. Note that the small, warmer, teach pool will continue to be closed through the end of March.

If you have any questions you can call the WPSS office at 780-458-7840



The Reimbursement Program monetary claim limits have been adjusted to reflect our current financial situation. The claim limits which had been set at $1000.00 per polio survivor member per year have now been raised to $1500.00, effective November 1, 2023!

Please take advantage of this great program and DO make sure that you read the rules which must be adhered to for each claim you submit. The January Polio News will once again give a rundown on what you must do to have successful claims.



For those of you utilizing the Swim Program, please note that the ACT Pool will be closed on Tuesday, December 19, 2023

The pool complex will also be closed for an extended period from Dec 30, 2023 until March 5, 2023. The main pool will re-open at this time. The small teaching pool will remain closed until the end of March 5, 2023.

WPSS will be offering reimbursement for fees incurred at alternative pool facilities during the time of complete closure. This payment will not be counted against your $1500.00 reimbursement limit. You may use the same reimbursement claim form as you use for regular reimbursement claims.

Jubilations Dinner Theater – ”Old Time Rock and Roll”

Just take those old records off the shelf! That’s what Michael Edwards is doing. You see, when he decides it’s time to clean out the attic, he stumbles upon his stash of old records that have been collecting dust for decades. Let the nostalgia trip begin! Come and jump back in time with Michael to that bygone age when TVs were a huge piece of furniture that sat on the floor, and phones were olive green and hung on the wall! All the greatest records, containing all the greatest songs, are in that attic just waiting for us to let them spin again. Jubilations Dinner Theatre presents Old Time Rock ‘N Roll… through the wonder years!

DATE:                 Wednesday, October 18, 2023

TIME:                  6:30 to 10:00 PM

ADDRESS:         2061, 8882 170 Street, West Edmonton Mall Level Two, Phase 1


Click here to access the QR Code which you can scan with your phone camera to link you to the Jubilations web site. Here you find more details about this show and the Jubilations experience.

The link below takes you to google maps for directions to WEM and the Jubilations Dinner Theater

Your location to 2061, 8882 170 Street, West Edmonton Mall Level Two, Phase 1,Edmonton,AB,T5T 3J7,CA – Google Maps





Our Casino Fund Raiser happened on Wednesday and Thursday, July 26 and 27. Our sincere Thank-you’s go out to all of our volunteers for manning the various work stations from 9:00AM through 3:30 PM. Shifts went from 9 until 6:30 and 6:30 until 3 or 3:30. These were long days but so worth it for WPSS. We should receive anywhere from $60,000.00 to $95,000.00 for our efforts. Doing this one fund raiser roughly every 18 months sure beats monthly bingos, auctions and other types of fund raising activities – far less work and way more money!! I believe we, the volunteers, are all somewhat bagged after this effort but we got through it and had fun doing it. I am happy to be retired and able to take Friday to recover. I’m pretty sure that the rest of the volunteer crew feel the same!

I want to send a special thank – you to Marie and George Kunec. These two worked tirelessly to organize the event and navigate the treacherous pathway through the AGLC rules and regulations, to recruit the volunteer crew members and set up the shift schedules. They also were on hand at Yellowhead Casino both mornings at 9:00 AM to get things rolling, staying around untill 300PM whe Pat Murray relieved them. They went home for a rest and were back on the job to relieve Pat by 10:00 PM and closed things down at 3:30 PM> That is what I call DEDICATION!! I can’t say thank-you enough.

For the first time in all the years we have been doing the casino we had to rely on “casino angels”, a paid group of people who give their time to fill staffing shortcomings. We just did not get enough participation from our group to fill all the positions. I know we are all getting older and it gets harder each year to put in these long and late hours. However, this event represents the money pot which allows WPSS to continue to function; to publish the Polio News, to run the web site, to offer the reimbursement program and the water exercise program at the ACT pool as well as the social functions which we sponsor every few months. In short, the Casino Event is vital to our very existence. If WPSS is important to you, please consider, if you are at all able, to volunteer a shift or two or even a partial shift.  If you cannot, that’s ok too but perhaps you can recruit a friend or relative to fill in with us. Our next casino hopefully will happen in 18 months time and the time to think about making the commitment is now.

Please, please give it some serious consideration!


Here is some great new wheelchair technology! I am not yet at the wheelchair stage in my pps journey but seeing this machine in action really excites me. It goes everywhere, it turns on a dime and it is hands-free. Wow!! For all you folks who want a chair/scooter that really sets you free, this may be your dream come true!

New Board Member

We are very pleased to welcome Sandra Mooney to the WPSS Board of Directors. Sandra was nominated to stand for election at the past AGM and was elected by acclamation.

She becomes our 9th board member, leaving just one chair open. If there is anyone in our membership, a polio survivor, spouse or caregiver who would like to help shape board policy and be instrumental in moving WPSS forward please get in touch with the WPSS office at 780-428-8842. Our last vacant chair awaits you!!

2022 AGM

Well, the 2022 AGM is now in the history books. We had a very successful meeting, beginning with registration at the St. Albert Legion around 11:30 AM. We had had some nice socialization and visiting time, followed by a great hot lunch buffet. The meeting started just after 1:30 PM and we adjourned around 2:10 PM. The highlights of the meeting included the election by acclamation of  Sandra Mooney to the Board of Directors, brief commentary on the reports found in the AGM booklet and some excellent feedback from the floor on future social events. A copy of the booklet with all reports is available through the link below.

There will be a B of D meeting on Monday, April 24 where items arising from the AGM will be discussed.