A Polio Story
Join us on Friday, March 3, 2023 for lunch and a movie at the St. Albert Legion. Get full details by clicking on the link below!
A Polio Story
Join us on Friday, March 3, 2023 for lunch and a movie at the St. Albert Legion. Get full details by clicking on the link below!
For those of you who are interested in wheelchairs with larger wheels, here is the ultimate, go anywhere wheelchair. For more videos and information about this amazing vehicle go to the TERRAIN HOPPER website: Videos – Welcome to TerrainHopper :: Created for Adventure (terrainhopperusa.com)
For more choices check out his site: Top Best 10 Best All-Terrain Wheelchairs For 2022 | Wheelchaired
It is that time of the year again – memberships were due on January 1. Membership entitles you to receiving our quarterly newsletter, Polio News; to participate in swim and therapy programs, to attend socials and to get financial assistance through the reimbursement program. We also provide educational information and about post polio and treatment generally and locally.
Memberships are still only $20.00 for an individual and $30.00 for a couple. Couples are a polio survivor and a spouse, partner or caregiver. Payment can be made by cheque to the “Wildrose Polio Support Society” or to “WPSS” or by e-transfer using the <wpss@polioalberta.ca> email address.
At long last the pool at the ACT Centre in Rundle Park is set to open on February 14, 2023. Our swim program will start on that day. We will have sessions on Tuesdays from 5:00 – 6:00, and on Saturdays from 4:00 – 5:00.
Starting February 28, Bobbi-Jo Atchison and her Equality Fitness group ( Equality Fitness | Canada )will be leading aquasize exercise routines for us every Tuesday. BJ and her team are great at keeping us moving and working to our individual ability levels. This is a really great program and I encourage you to come out and enjoy the warm water at the ACT Center.
Hope to see you there!
Follow the above links to the Equality Fitness web page and to the ACT Center for address and map.
Let’s look ahead a bit to see what’s up on the WPSS agenda.
Your Board of Directors met on January 16.
Meeting Highlights: