The ACT Center is scheduled to re-open on February 14, 2023
We will once again have exclusive use of the pool on Tuesdays and Saturdays at 5:00 PM and 4:00 PM respectively.
We are working on bringing back Bobbi-Jo Atchison and her Equality Fitness group to lead us in safe exercise routines , hopefully every Tuesday, but certainly every other Tuesday.
With the ACT Center again being available to us the reimbursement for alternative exercise options program will be cancelled as of February 14.
Two sessions of the Swim/Water Exercise Program are held each week. The sessions are:
Tuesdays from 5:00pm to 6:00pm and
Saturdays from 4:00pm to 5:00pm
Note: the pool is not open on public holidays
An exercise program is lead by a qualified Physiologist on the first and third Tuesday of the month.
You must be a WPSS member or caregiver/spouse of a member to utilize the swim program [board policy].
There are occasions when the pool is closed for planned maintenance. This information will be advertised in the Polio News as well as under ‘Stop Press’ tab on the web site.
Sometimes the pool is closed at short notice. If we are notified in time we endeavour to send out an email that the pool is closed as well as announcing it on the ‘Stop Press’ page of this web site.
The pool is located at the ACT Aquatic & Recreation Centre in Rundle Park. The address is; 2909 113 Ave NW, Edmonton, AB. Tel 780-496-1494
- 25 meter gradual depth swim pool with one of the warmest water temperatures available in Edmonton.
- Shallow water teaching pool
- Whirlpool
- Regular changing rooms
- Family/disabled changing rooms
- Lift
- Other amenities include:
- Gymnasium/auditorium
- Meeting rooms
- Cafeteria