Post Polio Syndrome – Management and Treatment in Primary Care

The Post Polio Support Group has, since its inception, striven to increase awareness amongst all medical professionals of Post Polio Syndrome (the Late Effects of Polio), which many Polio Survivors are now experiencing.

Around 60% of Polio Survivors have or will, at some stage, display some symptoms of Post Polio Syndrome. The medical profile of each survivor is unique and the diagnosis and the management of treatment are considered processes. This publication will provide all stakeholder groups with information that will place them at the leading edge of service delivery to those experiencing Post Polio Syndrome. It takes a multidisciplinary and holistic approach and is targeted towards helping to enrich the practitioner client relationship to the benefit of both.

As a Group we have been fortunate to have many good friends in the medical professions and to ensure the success of this project we have drawn on that goodwill across many disciplines. We have leaned most heavily on our writing team who have done such tremendous work over the past year. We are extremely proud of the ¿QDO product and are conscious of the great debt all Polio Survivors owe to their rigorous work.

This publication represents a further development of our partnership with the Health Service Executive which has been an enthusiastic supporter of this initiative and has generously financed its production.

I am delighted to have the privilege, as former Chairman of the Post Polio Support Group, of introducing this forward looking publication and would like to pay a special tribute to my fellow Director, John McFarlane who has worked with me on this project, ensuring that the Polio Survivor perspective has been, at all times, the focus for the work.

Jim Costello.
Director & Trustee,
Post Polio Support Group.

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