Sixty-Nine Years After Surviving the Polio Epidemic

Sixty-nine Years After Surviving the Polio Epidemic

Barry McMahon, a 72-year-old retired film and video producer, received a diagnosis of acute paralytic polio in 1951 when he was 3 years old. His respiratory and bilateral arm and leg muscles were affected, but he did not require an iron lung. He spent months in isolation in hospital, followed by several months in convalescence and rehabilitation. His first sign of recovery was movement in his left toe

Follow the link above to read the rest of Barry’s story! 

1 thought on “Sixty-Nine Years After Surviving the Polio Epidemic”

  1. Very interesting read! I experience many of Barry’s symptoms but to a much lesser degree. I have been a scuba diver in the past but have not dived in over 25 years. I have been considering a return to this sport but have been hesitant because of cost and lack of great diving near home. Trips to warmer coastal climes add to the cost and therefore the infrequency of diving. I will continue to evaluate the pros and cons of my situation!


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